
Love is

Love is, the sweet scent of a flower,
the cool mist in the air, after a sun shower,
the colours of a rainbow, a divine symphony,
I will try to explain, what Love means to me.

It is the happiness, that goes above and beyond,
it cheers you up, when something is wrong,
it cradles you when you're down, and rocks you to sleep,
it is the light in darkness, when you can barely see.

A kiss from an Angel, and a touch soft as silk,
builds self-esteem, and caters to free will,
it enhances sexual pleasure, it adds 'de' to delight,
it's the most basic principal, the very spark of life.

It washes away fear, and cleanses the soul,
once you have it, you begin to feel whole,
I have this love, now in writing you can see,
some of the ways, that love has impacted me.

© Steve Bertrand aka. stevieb 20110910

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